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United Kingdom Nationals Living in Canada Can Vote in UK Referendum

Niagara West – Glanbrook MPP shares information from UK Consul General

  • 8 March 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4970
United Kingdom Nationals Living in Canada Can Vote in UK Referendum

UK Consul General,  Kevin McGurgan, recently met with MPP Tim Hudak as well as representatives from other parties to brief politicians on the upcoming British referendum and provide information on how ex-pats can vote.


The United Kingdom will be voting on June 23 on whether to remain a member of the European Union (EU) or exit the economic partnership of European nations.


The EU involves 28 European countries which allows goods and people to move between countries as if they were in a single country. Since it began after World War Two to foster economic cooperation, it has grown to have its own currency, its own parliament and set rules in a wide range of areas.


Britain joined the EU in 1973. Many have been calling for the UK to exit the union, or Brexit as it has been coined, because they feel the EU is holding the country back. British Prime Minister David Cameron wants to remain, and has negotiated changes to the country’s membership as part of that campaign. Some prominent Conservative Cabinet ministers are campaigning on the leave side of the issue, while others are calling for the UK to remain a member.


“This is an important issue for citizens of the United Kingdom and the ex-pats living here, so I greatly appreciate Mr. McGurgan reaching out to ensure citizens of the UK living in my riding know they can vote, and how to vote,” said Hudak.


“Polls show the public is fairly evenly split on the issue, so every vote will count,” he added.


If you are a UK citizen living abroad, you can apply to be an overseas voter.  You must have been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years and be eligible to vote in UK Parliamentary general elections and European Parliamentary elections. If you were too young to register when you left the UK, you can still register as an overseas voter as long as your parent or guardian was registered to vote in the UK and you left the UK no more than 15 years ago.


The deadline for overseas voters to register is June 7, 2016.


For more information on registering to vote as an overseas voter, visit


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Former MPP Tim Hudak had been in politics for 20 years and truly saw his role as an MPP as a way to help and support his riding of Niagara West – Glanbrook.

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